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Character: Darian Set Vemous

Darian Set Vemous
Age15 by human standard 12 by draconian
LanguagesDraconian {native}
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Looks human from a distance. His arms hang a little lower than a humans. as well as his facial features are almost hawk like in appearance. He has long white hair that has been braided in the back and held in place my a metal band shaped like a resting dragon. One lock of hair sticks out over his right eye to honor his fathers past. His ears are elongated ending in a point, he can move his ears a limited amount to raising them a few inches. His eyes are almond shaped and almost hawk like, they are a silver-blue hue with a creeping hint of amber around the edge. His face is rounded ending in a curved point with high cheek bones. Two runes are hidden on his body one under his coat shapped like cascading wings the other on his left hand looking like a currled dragon.


Darian is the second son of Draco set Vemous and the first heir to the Draconian throne in the second decade of the new Draconian era. He was born out of the marriage of his father and his second wife Sellona after the tragic death of his bond partner, and first wife. He was born during the beginning of the civil unrest as the kingdom expanded out across the new world. The original house's that made up the first unified kingdom of Draconia by the bonds of a common enemy have started to rebel against the unified kingdom still separated by the old houses of the Nagonis era. This has lead to rebellions in many of the lower sections of the kingdom, and the actions of Draco to preserve the kingdom he helped to unify and free from their former oppressors. Darian was to be raised as a warrior prince like his father before him in the traditions of his people.

Starting at the age of three draconian years (4 earth years), he was taught the basics of shifts. For the next few years Darian was taught the basic principles to do so, not achieving more than changing his skin without incredible pain. His father having lost one son, has his training held back so as to not rush his son off into battle, slowing his training to a crawl. He soon starts combat training on top of his shift training at six draconian years (8 earth year). He was seen to be proficient in the soaring dragon style of fighting his father was know to use.

Darian took to all of his training trying to please his father who showed signs of depression after losing his first son, Darians older brother, Xerious whose death was surmised when he was lost in combat against rebels.

Darian's life was more sheltered than he realized as his father kept him within the castle with only his tutors and mentors to talk to and jesters to offer any entertainment. With his father refusal to let him out of the castle grounds, Darian soon realized that all of his training would go to waste as his father would not be letting him take part in battle even when he where to reach the proper age. The very act of the training was to entertain him and the traditions of his family.

Darian started to distance himself from his father feeling him more as a formal figure he would give his respect to but not his love, or honor. He held closer to his mother who thought higher of him as her son not having any connection to Draco's first son, and started to tutor Darian in the art of Runic under his fathers nose. His mother gave him two gifts from the training a rune on his hand and on his back.

The rune on his hand was for when Darian finally finished his training the rune similar to the one on his fathers left eye that when used would force a full shift. The one on his back meant to force the shift of his wings alone by adding on segments to the rune to increase how far it was forced, and only up to his current training.

At the age of eight draconian years (around 11 earth years) Darian was swept up in a surprise as the castles suddenly burst with action as a lone figure appeared on the horizon. It was Xerious half beaten and battered flying back towards the castle. Derians older brother thought dead was imprisoned by a band of rebels, He brought grave news that the rebellions that where happening across the kingdom where more organized then they had thought, the rebels influence was spreading faster then ever. This lead to an out cry from Draco who decreed all out war against the rebels for what they had done.
Xerious was placed under intensive care as years of torture and imprisonment had weakened him. Draco kept the fact about his mother and new marriage hidden until he was sure his son was well enough to handle the news. Darian heard the screams of sadness from across the castle as Xerious mourned his mothers lose. It would be months before Darian ever meet his older brother face to face.

Soon Darian watched as his brother took to walking around the castle avoiding him only giving him harsh stares. Darian began to wondered why his brother held such resentment towards him, on his ninth draconian year (12 earth years) he learned why. His father called them both in to his chamber, explaining that since he was the second son of his family that he felt that the same should be true for his sons. Although Xerious was the first born he was to be skipped on his rights to the throne and his crown given to Darian instead.
With his brother harboring feelings against him as Darian now started to avoid his brother and his hostile gaze. Darian did not know what to do about his brother, he could not go against the wishes of his father, but he couldn't well take the throne either when the time came. Darian pushed his training fearing his brother might resort to treachery to gain the throne.

His fears justified as Xerious cornered Darian on one of the higher balconies of the Castle. Darian caught in the process of curing Herous blood for runic when he confronted him. Xerious poured out his hatred for his younger brother saying he was a living insult to Xerious and his dead mother. Xerious planned to use the fact that since Darian still hadn't mastered shifting wings and could easily claim that he fell from the tower unable to save his brother still weak from his years of incarceration, and place the guilt on his father who held back his training. With a final shove Xerious pushed Darian off the tower.

Since then Darian arrived at Infinitas the sudden danger of his life and his responsibilities lots to his new location. He has since gone back once and confronted his brother peacefully and returned with a Book of magic though only useful for understanding how his magic works (textbooks Xp)


The Draconians lived under a monarchy when they found what they thought where primitive beings called Serac's. They treated the Serac as lower class citizens when they began a great war subduing the draconians to slavery, trying to destroy any dragons so as to keep their strength. The draconians rolls had been reversed as they became the lower species under the foot of the Serac living in slums outside of their cities. The Draconains eventually revolted back trying for freedom under the leadership of their last monarchs heir. The success of the revolt lead to the rediscovering their traits as dragons as well as their freedom. The path thought to take place was placing the Serac under their heels and reign on high. The monarchs heir instead in a move to end the useless wars agreed to take his people away to another land and away from the Serac there by ending any further wars as best they could. This lead to the migration of the Draconians to their current state and time.

Hidden Information

The world has a hidden history unknown to many with Darian having only learned a little bit about the past and future from others he has meet in Infinitas



The shift is an innate ability to all Draconians to change from the human like form to that of a dragon. The structure of bones and mass can be manipulated from the point of original form to a dragon and partway in between, though to do so requires intensive training requiring years of practice, those proficient in the art of shifting can control the mid-shift to cover a previous weakness of both.

Any shift caused by emotional state happens within 10 seconds.
Normal shift of one part takes a minute.
Multiple shifts can cause great discomfort

Shifting causes pain with use, and the pain only dulls after repeated use, this being the reason why mid-shifts require training, otherwise one might change the density of a bone wrong and end up breaking a bone. Emotions can effect the change negative emotions can even stop one from changing, or even cause one to shift involuntarily. The farthest one can shift is called the pinnacle point. Darian has managed to reach the point of being able to fully shift


Controlling magical energies for Darian his primary study is elementals due to his magical physiology. He has learned spells to psychically translate a persons language, though only temporary and with distance limitations. And a few runic spells from his home though no way to learn more than he has.

Uses magic produced by his biology and struggles to pull mana from surroundings. his magic restores itself with rest.

More magic he uses the more exhausted he becomes if he over exerts himself past his limits he will pass out could.