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Character: Felix Pace

Felix Pace
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Felix is an averagely-built man in his late twenties with red hair and goatee trimmed ot the same length and dark blue eyes peeking out from rectangular spectacles. He has something both bohemian and sharp about him, and his speech matches: typically formal and rarely lacking forethought, but rhasped out in a rumble that doesn't seem like it should come from someone of his build.


Felix is, all things considered, not a terribly interesting individual. He grew up in a universe very similar to the one you're reading this in with just a touch more whimsy and magic in it. He went to private schools thanks to rich parents and entered college two years early, which afforded him time to work on multiple degrees and come out with some job experience under his belt by the time most people are just coming to the realization that they borrowed too much for school.

Primarily an attorney, Felix developed a wide client base and earned the reputation discussed above in 'vocational history'. His education, talent for reading people, and natural pragmatism let him climb the rungs at a large law firm; at his height he could have been considered a powerful force in the supernatural world even without any magical talent. Armed with stocks in hell and compromising photographs of angels, Felix defended devils, mutants, and sorcerers who were easy targets of blackmail or local ire and earned a fair share of powerful allies and enemies.

He wasn't surprised, then, when after a night of drinking he can scarcely remember he woke up in a large patch of woods. Figuring he'd been put under an illusion (and still unclear on that point), he picked a direction and began wandering. Not too long afterwards he'd emerged from the woods staring at the outskirts of Marsilion in the distance... The thought began to dawn on him that perhaps he wasn't in Kansas anymore.


Felix comes from one of many Earth universes out there; one in which magery and technomancy were not terribly uncommon.