Welcome Guest Board Index > Plot Center > A Regression Infection
1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
Run byEli
StatusAfter Effects
Suseptible Character TypesLiving creatures (voluntary for PCs)
Started10/28/23 9:39 AM
Updated12/12/23 3:25 PM
Finshed12/12/23 3:10 PM
A Regression Infection
Plot Overview
Starting on October 28th, a handful of people will start to regress in age while out in the public square. After a short while, some people who were nearby will also begin to experience regressive effects. It's quickly obvious that there's some sort of contagious effect that's causing people to shed their years!

Not everyone is affected, but the cause is not immediately clear.

Out of Character, this will potentially lead to permanent regression effects, if you want to reset the age on any of your characters or just have them deal with a long term problem growing up!
Plot Information
Recovery States
Characters who were infected and cured will wind up in one of the following states:

  • Full recovery: they go back to how they were before the plot and are none the worse for wear.
  • Near-full recovery: They go back to how they were before the plot, with only minor side effects that they probably wont mind, like being subject to Benjis protective aura, or being younger, but still adults.
  • Moderate recovery: They mostly go back to how they were before the plot, with some deleterious side effects, such as minor loss of motor function, emotional control, or speech impediments.
  • Stunted recovery: They grow back up, mostly, but still have major side effects such as significant loss of academics or ability to function independently. This also likely has some physical consequences, such as being less athletic, extra baby fat, and being smaller in general. Also includes a high chance of not having grown all the way back up. Further recovery may be possible, but would take effort.
  • Stuck regressed (Accelerated growth): The characters are unable to recover right away, and have to grow back up to their target age. This will happen on individual timetables, probably ranging from a month to a year+. When they reach their original age, they go to one of the recovery states above, with stunted or moderate recovery being the most likely options.
  • Stuck regressed (normal growth): The characters are unable to recover right away, and have to grow back up to their normal age. This happens at their normal aging rate. For all intents and purposes, they are just a younger version of themselves. They will likely make a full or near-full recovery.
  • Stuck regressed (permanently): The characters are unable to recover, and furthermore, they are not aging anymore, putting them in a permanent state of regression. They will have to find individual solutions to resolve this, or just get used to their new state of being.
Regression effect chart
In addition to normal physical regression, a chart of potential mental regression effects can be found here.
Recovery States
Characters who were infected and cured will wind up in one of the following states:

  • Full recovery: they go back to how they were before the plot and are none the worse for wear.
  • Near-full recovery: They go back to how they were before the plot, with only minor side effects that they probably wont mind, like being subject to Benjis protective aura, or being younger, but still adults.
  • Moderate recovery: They mostly go back to how they were before the plot, with some deleterious side effects, such as minor loss of motor function, emotional control, or speech impediments.
  • Stunted recovery: They grow back up, mostly, but still have major side effects such as significant loss of academics or ability to function independently. This also likely has some physical consequences, such as being less athletic, extra baby fat, and being smaller in general. Also includes a high chance of not having grown all the way back up. Further recovery may be possible, but would take effort.
  • Stuck regressed (Accelerated growth): The characters are unable to recover right away, and have to grow back up to their target age. This will happen on individual timetables, probably ranging from a month to a year+. When they reach their original age, they go to one of the recovery states above, with stunted or moderate recovery being the most likely options.
  • Stuck regressed (normal growth): The characters are unable to recover right away, and have to grow back up to their normal age. This happens at their normal aging rate. For all intents and purposes, they are just a younger version of themselves. They will likely make a full or near-full recovery.
  • Stuck regressed (permanently): The characters are unable to recover, and furthermore, they are not aging anymore, putting them in a permanent state of regression. They will have to find individual solutions to resolve this, or just get used to their new state of being.
Regression effect chart
In addition to normal physical regression, a chart of potential mental regression effects can be found here.
  1. Aiden Deirri
    Last Updated Oct 29, 2023 12:10 PM
    • Physical age — 4
    • Physical age — High loss of academic skills- can count, recite ABCs, and identify colors and shapes. Is on par with preschooler or kindergartener.
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  2. Andromeda
    Last Updated Nov 18, 2023 3:17 PM
    • Physical age — Sub-year
    • Physical age — Gross Motor: 7 (Feral motion fluid, bipeed motion difficult to impossible) Fine motor: 8 Speech: Interpretation: 7, Speaking: 10 Acedemics: 7 Emotional: 6
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  3. Brenner
    Last Updated Nov 18, 2023 3:13 PM
    • Physical age — Sub-year
    • Physical age — With Weaver: None Independent: Gross motor: 6 (Quad movement is fluid, biped movement is challenged) Fine motor: 7 Speech, Acedemics, Emotional: This character already functions on a "trained feral animal" level.
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  4. Bryyo
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 7:14 PM
    • Physical age — 14
    • Physical age — --- Flight unaffected by regression due to intensive training and powerful instincts. --- Gross motor: 3 Fine motor: 4 Speech, Emotion, Acedemics unaffected
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  5. Danny Knox
    Last Updated Dec 7, 2023 4:03 PM
    • Physical age — 15
    • Physical age — Gross Motor Skills: 4 Fine Motor Skills: 3 (specifically with planning complex motor functions, he can't tie his shoes now) Speech: 1 Academics: 0 Emotional control: 3
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  6. Davwyn
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 11:06 AM
    • Physical age — 3 the changes to Davs form are subtle but he looks much more youthful, his head is noticeably bigger compared to the rest of his body as a hatchling, and his wings although functional are not full size and strength. His size reduced making him 8 inches long nose to tail tip.
    • Physical age — Davs attention span has been shortened back to the way it was when he was first brought to Infinitas and like a hatchling has become incredibly curious and playful. His self-control and ability to make careful judgements has become weak leading him to getting himself into trouble.
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  7. Ethan Locke
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 10:22 AM
    • Physical age — 8
    • Physical age — Gross Motor Skills: 5 Fine Motor Skills: 4 Speech: 4 Academics: 9 Emotional Control: 4
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  8. Fuzzle
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 6:24 PM
    • Physical age — Sub-1-year
    • Physical age — Gross Motor: 10 (Can crawl enough to get into trouble) Fine Motor: 9 (Leave him alone long enough with something and he'll eventually get it done) Speech: 10 (cute canine and feline noises) Acedemics: 7 Emotional: 9
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  9. Hawking
    Last Updated Nov 18, 2023 3:20 PM
    • Physical age — Sub-year
    • Physical age — Gross motor: 10 Fine motor: 9.5 --This character already has a physical motor control handicap.-- Speech: Interpretation: 7, Speaking: 10 Acedemics: 7 Emotional: 6
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  10. Ina Fortuna
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 10:59 AM
    • Physical age — 14
    • Physical age — None
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  11. Jacklyn Barbados
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 10:58 AM
    • Physical age — 17
    • Physical age — None
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  12. Penumbra
    Last Updated Nov 18, 2023 3:20 PM
    • Physical age — Sub-year
    • Physical age — Gross Motor: 7 (Feral motion fluid, bipeed motion difficult to impossible) Fine motor: 8 Speech: Interpretation: 7, Speaking: 10 Acedemics: 7 Emotional: 6
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  13. Rich
    Last Updated Oct 29, 2023 10:08 AM
    • Physical age — Smol. (13)
    • Physical age — A push towards a more playful and carefree attitude. Retains full capability regarding the chart.
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  14. Solaria Starwisp
    Last Updated Nov 25, 2023 5:18 PM
    • Physical age — Luma was affected but it's impossible to determin how much she de-aged given how starwisps reproduce. Umbra is currently unaffected.
    • Physical age — Luma just acts a bit more immature, and some of her starwisp abilities and functionality act a little off.
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  15. Thomas O'Rua
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 10:11 AM
    • Physical age — 11 for the little ones, 16 for Storm
    • Physical age — Emotional Control: 4-5 Motor Control: 2-3 (Also has difficulty forming Storm.) Others unaffected
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  16. Trenton Vect
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 10:59 AM
    • Physical age — 15
    • Physical age — None
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  17. Tristan
    Last Updated Nov 18, 2023 3:09 PM
    • Physical age — 3
    • Physical age — Gross Motor: 7 (Bipedal stand impossible) Fine motor: 5 (Benefits of grabbypaws) Speech: 3 Acedemic: 2 Emotional: 3
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  18. Xander
    Last Updated Oct 28, 2023 2:02 PM
    • Physical age — 4
    • Physical age — Gross Motor: 6 Fine Motor: 4 Academic: 0 Speech: 2 Emotional: 4
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
  19. Xirah
    Last Updated Nov 18, 2023 3:08 PM
    • Physical age — 8 (functionally 16 due to species aging traits)
    • Physical age — Gross motor: 4 Fine motor: 3 Speech: 3 Acedemics: 2 Emotional: 5
    • Mental effects
    • Mental effects
    • Recovery State
    • Recovery State
Postplot Information
Though the cause was never identified, a cure and counteraction to the effect has been devised by the Mages Guild and deployed at large. Players can move to one of the recovery states listed above.

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Dec 7, 2023 3:54 PM
Re: A Regression Infection
There has been enough time for a general purpose cure to be discovered to remove the curse. However, removing the curse hasn't caused everyone to age all the way back up. See the "recovery states" section above, some people have been more adversely affected than others for some reason.
Oct 30, 2023 6:18 PM
Re: A Regression Infection
In order to deal with the sudden influx of kids who can't care for themselves, the city is working to get those affected who are too young to live independently (and who don't have another caretaker) housed with willing caretakers, mainly pulling from the Welcome Center's list of households who were willing to adopt young arrivals.

It's been quickly discovered that strong and/or adaptive anti-curse spells/charms are effective at preventing the transfer of the curse. Families who take in affected regressees will be provided anti-curse charms courtesy of the Mage's Guild.
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