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1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
Run byAdreos
Suseptible Character TypesAny
Started10/11/24 4:57 AM
Updated10/17/24 7:49 PM
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Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
Shattered Realms
Plot Overview
At 9:31 AM October 12 large streak was seen in the sky approaching the town. It broke up upon approach but scatter over a very wide area. Little pieces hit around the town, transforming everyone and everything in the area of impact.

It seems the crystal locked onto one living thing in the area and transformed a spheroid region to match the natural setting for that region. Buildings and other characters in the area will be effected to match the natural environment of the effected area.

The entire town was not effected, so characters in the in between will not have been changed.
Plot Information
Each zone is spheroid and vary in size from roughly the size of an American football stadium to four times that. Each is a bit different. The atmosphere, gravity, and such will not transfer from zone to zone or zone to non-zone. Time of day in the zone does not have to match the rest of infinitas for worlds with other lengths of days.

Shape of terrain is uneffected though type of terrain and contents are.
Characters are free to move in and out of zones and take stuff with them but when entering a zone will be immediately subject to any effects in that zone.

All characters and things in the zone will be changed at the moment of its creation to match
Zone List
User Image
(All Zones are active upon plot start even if not filled out ahead of time IRL)
  1. Name: Vire
    Description: Desert world, permanent daylight. Two stars on opposite sides of the sky. Heavy sands, 50C lowest temperature. Zero humidity. Buildings are sandstone architecture.
    Native Species: Vilo, Various six limbed reptile.
    Area Effected: South side of town including path to skywolf camp.
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Yellow
    Zone PC: Cela
  2. Name: Cybertron (BW era)
    Description: Extremely oxygen poor atmosphere, half pressure compared to earth. High tech buildings and environments. Gravity 1.2x earth. Metallic ground
    Native Species: Transformers robots
    Area Effected: East Side of lake, along path to mountains
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Orange
    Zone PC: Tagor
  3. Name: Deep Water
    Description: A subocean environment. The salt water extend up 400 feet in the zone. Buildings are stone and freely have mutlifloor (no stairs) access and glass like roofs for light.
    Native Species: Several aquatic.
    Area Effected: Dock area
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Green
    Zone NPC: Mereman trader
  4. Name: Badlands
    Description: Flat shale area in the zone. A large rocky spire can be seen towering up outside the zone itself. Outside zone shows zone is a plateau.
    Native Species: Dragon, kitsune, and forest creatures
    Area Effected: Forest West of Town
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Red
    Zone NPC: Unhatched dragon egg
  5. Name: Corine
    Description: An urban area, sci fi floating signs and vehicles. Buildings surrounding the plaza are easiliy 300-500 stories high. Sky is blue green. Stars are not visible due to light pollution of the city.
    Native Species: Many varied, cybernetic enhancements common
    Area Effected: Town Square
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Cyan
    Zone NPC: Mako Foret
  6. Name: Aron
    Description: Buildings are replaced with cliffside with caves, natural or caved.
    Native Species: Avian Shapeshifters (and normal animals)
    Area Effected: Residential zone
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Blue
    Zone PC: Lara Swifttail
  7. Name: Mirachoco World
    Description: Above ground buildings removed with access to a subterrainian city structure. Above ground is earth like grassy prarie with 22 hour day
    Native Species: Mirachoco
    Area Effected: Area around mayor's office
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Magenta
    Zone PC: Camorcha Lakoro
  8. Name: Astroid Base
    Description: The inside of a carved out asteroid. Oxygen nitrogen atmosphere, lower pressure then earth but higher oxygen content. Artifical lighting with buildings on the surface of the inside of the asteroid seen in all directions. Microgravity.
    Native Species:
    Area Effected: Backside of community center and the field behind it. (Including pools, workshop, offices, but not foot court, daycare, gym) with the backhalf of the CC changed to be the space tech.
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Brown
    Zone PC: Corbin
  9. Name: Mana Swamp
    Description: A subtropical marshy swamp with wild magic darting around. 48 hour days, usually severe weather.
    Native Species: Skywolves and various animals.
    Area Effected: Southern half of skywolf camp and forest beyond.
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Black
    Zone PC: Rex
  10. Name: Spaaaaace
    Description: A minature solar system. The sun is not in the reachable zone but three planets are, rocky planets. Infinitas people are on magnified scale where the planets appear basketball sized. No gravity or atmosphere.
    Native Species: Mini celestials
    Area Effected: City Farms
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: White
    Zone PC: Kalista Phoenix
  11. Name: Fae Realm
    Description: Modern day earth with subspace layer of faewild pockets reached through various portals. Creatures include magic-blind humans and all manner of fae. Fae magic system derives power through a deeper connection to reality, a side effect is being unable to lie and being bound to promises made.
    Native Species: Fae, humans
    Area Effected: Northwest block of town
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Pink
    Zone PC: Thomas O'Rua
  12. Name: Wartorn
    Description: Earth like, air is full of soot. Buildings are shattered and broken like explosives have gone off.Bullet holes riddle what is there. No working water or power.
    Native Species: Varied humanoid and fur.
    Area Effected: Center of campus of Common Ground
    Status: Active
    Map Key Color: Grey
    Zone NPC: Roger Smith
  1. Camorcha Lakoro
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only — Mirachoco world- slightly higher gravity than Earth. Very few buildings above ground, but underground city. Deeper or abandoned parts might have serpent-like critters hunting in it.
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only
  2. Cela
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only — Desert world, permanent daylight. Heavy sands, 50C lowest temperature. Zero humidity
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only
  3. Corbin
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only — Space habitat built inside an asteroid, so no day/night cycle, microgravity, and optimized Oxygen/nitrogen blend at lower pressure than earth but higher oxygen concentration to compensate, so perfectly breathable to any local oxygen breathers
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only
  4. Kalista Phoenix
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only — Outspace with relatively minature worlds
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only
  5. Rex
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only — Earthlike, 48 hour days, hostile weather extremes. Varied biomes. Rex in specific: Subtropical forest swampland. Wild magics exist.
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only
  6. Sato Odiea
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only — Stocky winged skywolf, light brown fur with some black stripes.
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only — Mana Swamp
  7. Tagor
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only — Extremely oxygen poor atmopshere, half pressure compared to earth. High tech buildings and enviroments. Gravity 1.2x earth.
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only
  8. Thomas O'Rua
    Last Updated Oct 17, 2024 7:49 PM
    • Homeworld Information - Source Characters only — Modern day earth with subspace layer of faewild pockets reached through various portals. Creatures include magic-blind humans and all manner of fae. Fae magic system derives power through a deeper connection to reality, a side effect is being unable to lie and being bound to promises made.
    • Transformation - Recieving Characters Only
    • Zone of Effect - Recieving Characters Only

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