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1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
Lithe humanoid, 6'ft, maybe 160lbs. A heavy scent of gunpowder. With a dark hood & tinted snow-goggles covering the face. Voice soft, yet somehow gruff, seemingly masculine. Leather, hide, and silk fabrics for attire. With gloves, the only visible 'skin', is the claw-tipped whitesmoke fur'd digits poking out from heavy toe-less boots. http://www.infinitasrp.com/?cs=150
CreatedLast EditedOwner Information
Apr 15, 2019 8:28 PMApr 15, 2019 8:47 PMcevet
Freezing Rain40.9 F | 4.94 C
Freezing Rain
38% Humidity
Cloud Cover at 69%
Winds: ESE 14 MPH (22 KPH)
Inf Time
12:49 PM
Today: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Wednesday: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Thursday: Wintery Mix (High: 6 Low: 4)