Welcome Guest Board Index > Business Repository > The First Tech Cafe in Town
Run By: Eli
Created: Sep 03, 2024
Last Edited: Sep 28, 2016
Status: Open
Approved on Sep 03, 2024
Hiring: Yes

No Viable Characters

The First Tech Cafe In Town


This is one of the few locales in town with access to high tech goods and services. It was formerly known as "The Only Tech Cafe in Town" until a competitor opened up shop. This tech cafe offers usage of laptops and computers from a variety of tech levels. Mostly this is just for rental, however, they purchase quite a lot of stock from incoming migrants and sometimes have some to sell. Additionally, they possess some small fabricators of their own, which they prioritize for making repairs to their own machines. However, they would let one purchase a new device for a very high price.

  • Owner: Wosht Malrindia

  • NPCs Employeed: 6

Hours of Operation
24/7, however food is only served between 7 am and Midnight.

Goods & Services
2020 Equiv Laptop: 100 Florins
2100 Equiv portable computer: 1000 Florins
2020 Equiv Smartphone: 60 Florins

2020 Equiv Laptop: 60 Florins
2100 Equiv portable computer: 1000 Florins
2020 Equiv Smartphone: 40 Florins

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Inf Time
9:42 PM