Welcome Guest Board Index > Business Repository > The Sword and Board
Run By: Eli
Created: Sep 03, 2024
Last Edited: Aug 20, 2017
Status: Open
Approved on Sep 03, 2024
Hiring: No

The Sword And Board


The Sword and Board is a new tavern, styled after a classic adventurer's guild tavern from various fantasy worlds. It is designed to cater to freelancers, auxiliaries, and other adventurer types. It has a granite topped bar with a variety of drinks on tap, a brick fire pit towards the center with a self-rotating spit for cooking, and a large floor with tables for various sized people. Against one wall is a elevated part for announcements or performances, and on the opposite wall is a large bulletin board where bounties, rewards, and notices are posted. MAF-bonded bounties have their own section. Above the bulletin board is a scrolling electronic marquee, which shows real time updates from the MAF. Unfortunately, there are no rooms available for rent.

Included with the bounty board is a large print book called the "Hunt Bestiary" which includes descriptions of various dangerous creatures from the multiverse which should be killed if they are not sentient. This includes things like cockatrices, Ragel creatures, and so on. Rewards are offered for proof of kills.

  • Owner: Mr. Gerey

Hours of Operation
Floor open 24/7, bar open 11 AM to 2 AM.

Goods & Services
Food, Drink, information.

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9:55 PM