Welcome Guest Board Index > Business Repository > Community Center
Run By: Adreos
Created: Sep 03, 2024
Last Edited: Nov 07, 2021
Status: Open
Approved on Sep 03, 2024
Hiring: Yes

No Viable Characters

Community Center


A large building for gathering and hand out locations. Contains bulletin boards for community events and various activities for city residents and visitors. Public mailboxes are available.

First Floor
  • Main Commons - A wide open area with ceiling extending to the high roof. Contains main desk and public mailboxes. Has access to all other areas except pools and workshop. Stairs to second story in the back.
  • Gymnasium - Large gymnasium containing basketball hoops and elevated jogging track on the second story.
  • Locker Rooms - Rent-able lockers of various sizes. Lockers are rent-able on an hourly basis, maximum 12 hour sessions. Located between the pools, weight room, and gymnasium with access from the commons
  • Pools - Two seperate indoor swimming pools. Family pool and adult pool respectively. Access from Locker Rooms
  • Weight Rooms - Contains various treadmills, bikes, barbells, and other exercise equipment.
  • Daycare - Adjacent to the food court. Short term child care, primarily for patrons with children using other parts of the facility at the time.
  • Food Court - Adjacent to the commons. Contains tables and chairs of various sizes, and tables with floor mats for quads. Various food stands serving fast food around the place.

    Food stands include but are not limited to the following
    • Hamburgers
    • Hot dogs
    • Pizza
    • Sushi
    • Fried/Grilled/Roasted meats
    • Other various fast foods are available if unlisted here
  • Workshops - Accessed from the outside in the back or through a hallway from the commons. Contains various wood and metal working tools for craft projects. Paid access only.
Second Story - Various small classrooms for casual use. May be reserve rented in advance. Offices and administration.

Basement - Supply storehouses off limits to general public.

Emergency Shelter
When the events call for it the community center serves as a large shelter for people in Marsilion. When a shelter all areas are cleared of normal equipment to make room for additional people. Supplies stored int he basement will be distributed as needed.

Hours of Operation
All day every day (Individual stands or activities may vary or be closed for events)

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9:48 PM