Welcome Guest Board Index > Business Repository > Marsilion Care Network
Run By: Eli
Created: Sep 03, 2024
Last Edited: Aug 15, 2024
Status: Open
Approved on Sep 03, 2024
Hiring: Yes

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Regular Customers: Yes

Marsilion Care Network


As one of several new initiatives to improve Marsilion's social services, the City of Marsilion has worked to establish a network of support structures and care facilities for people who are unable to live independently, be it due to transformation, regression, separation from caretakers, or other causes. The first line is the Welcome Center Services. They generally have the resources and skill base to determine what needs someone has, as well as easy remedies if they’re possible. The welcome center has also historically handled the foster care system. However, recent events have drawn attention to the need for long-term care even if a foster family can’t be found.

A few new facilities have been built in the last several months. The ideal build size is for each occupant to get their own bedroom that they can personalize and customize to their heart's content. Depending on occupancy however, they may have to have up to 2 occupants per bedroom. Many sizes and age/care levels are accommodated, from mouse sized to beings up to 10 feet tall.

In addition to the bedrooms, each facility has shared bathrooms akin to a dormitory. Each building also has a large multi-purpose room that is used for mealtimes and activities, and then a number of activity rooms suited for different groups and activities, e.g. a library, a quiet crafts room, etc.

Paid and volunteer work is available for these, and they work with educational establishments like Lost Planes and Common Ground to provide fulfilling educations for everyone they can. Benji has donated a number of caretaker plushies to these facilities to help ease staffing needs, so each occupant is well cared for. Additionally, there is a Big Brother/Big Sister-like long-term volunteer program.

Different departments of the Marsilion Care Network focus on different needs. For example, those who have been turned into mundane animals have different needs to children, who have different needs to those transformed into peculiar forms or cursed in some manner. Efforts are continuously ongoing to meet new needs.

  • City Council: Marsilion Health and Humanitarian Services (Owner)

  • Rhemoraz (Volunteer Caregiver)
  • NPCs Employeed: 100

PC Customers:
  • No PCs

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