Welcome Guest Board Index > Business Repository > Solar Mysteries
Run By: Adreos
Created: Sep 03, 2024
Last Edited: Aug 20, 2016
Status: Open
Approved on Sep 03, 2024
Hiring: No

Solar Mysteries


A shop containing magical stones charged by the sun and various devices powered by them.

  • Owner: Stafal Leinder

Hours of Operation
11-6 Sun-Thurs

Goods & Services
  • Charge Gems - Ruby, Saphire, emerald, diamond, and topaz gemstones. They have been enchanted to store energy from the sun (they absorb UV) and can release it to power devices, magical or otherwise. They do have a limited amount of power, and more powerful application drain the stones faster. they can hold a stored charge indefinitely or until shattered.
  • Translation Collar - A leather band that fits around the neck of the wearer with a pendant and small charge gem embedded in it. Reads the wearer's thoughts and translates projected thoughts into audible sounds. Only thoughts projected to the collar will be translated, which can take some practice to the inexperienced. Tapping the gemstone twice activates or deactivates the spell. Twisting clockwise or counterclockwise on the gem adjusts the volume.
    *The collar band contains a silver strand and is not stretchable.
  • Other various devices powered by charge gems. Including but not limited to toasters, coffee makers, stoves, lamps.

Products here tend to be fairly costly due to the gemstones used in their productions. A translation collar costs the same as the the welcome center gives an average new person.

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Breezy71.1 F | 21.72 C
83% Humidity
Cloud Cover at 0%
Winds: ESE 6 MPH (10 KPH)
Inf Time
9:48 PM