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1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
Benji is a stuffed kitsune. He has 9 tails, and soft features. His fur is a pleasant orange with a white belly and black socks, and he's a bit of a plump overstuffed plush. He typically doesn't wear any clothes except for a billowing silken cape and hat, both of which have a flowing night sky pattern on them, seeming to sparkle in unnatural ways.
2'8" 7 lbs
CreatedLast EditedOwner
Dec 19, 2020 7:05 PMAug 2, 2024 4:36 PMEli
Freezing Rain40.4 F | 4.68 C
Freezing Rain
41% Humidity
Cloud Cover at 70%
Winds: ESE 13 MPH (21 KPH)
Inf Time
11:49 AM
Today: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Wednesday: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Thursday: Wintery Mix (High: 6 Low: 4)