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1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
Navy blue body fur. Tiger stripes, mane and tail tuft of a lion. Large fur masses at ankles. Stripes, mane, and other long fur red in color. Has two large strands of fur that arc from the eyebrows over the head to the neck. Stands 10' at the shoulder. 20' in length, not counting the tail. Tail is 10 feet long, 2000lbs. Round emeralds embeeded on tops of forepaws paws.
CreatedLast EditedOwner Information
Mar 13, 2016 5:37 AMNov 20, 2021 5:31 PMadreos
Freezing Rain40.9 F | 4.94 C
Freezing Rain
38% Humidity
Cloud Cover at 69%
Winds: ESE 14 MPH (22 KPH)
Inf Time
12:49 PM
Today: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Wednesday: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Thursday: Wintery Mix (High: 6 Low: 4)