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1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
7'6" lion-taur, wears an armoured vest which secures a small pack at the base of his torso's back. Big fluffy mane, long kitty body.
CreatedLast EditedOwner Information
Apr 21, 2018 6:43 AMApr 21, 2018 6:43 AMQuincunx Auto-TransferInformation
Freezing Rain40.6 F | 4.77 C
Freezing Rain
49% Humidity
Cloud Cover at 69%
Winds: E 16 MPH (26 KPH)
Inf Time
1:08 PM
Today: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Wednesday: Wintery Mix (High: 7 Low: 4)
Thursday: Wintery Mix (High: 6 Low: 4)